Mo Houtti

Computer Science PhD Candidate @ GroupLens Research

Hi, I’m Mo!

I’m a Computer Science PhD candidate co-advised by Loren Terveen and Stevie Chancellor. I do research in Human-Computer Interaction, with a current focus on mitigating bias in online video-conferencing technology and incorporating community values into recommender system design.

For more info about my educational and professional background, please see my resume (last updated December 2023).

Downloadable copies of my first author publications are available below. (For a comprehensive list of all my publications, check out my Google Scholar profile.)

  • M. Houtti, I. Johnson, L. Terveen. 2024. Leveraging Recommender Systems to Reduce Content Gaps on Peer Production Platforms. International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). (PDF)
  • M. Houtti, M. Zhou, L. Terveen, S. Chancellor. 2023. “All of the White People Went First”: How Video Conferencing Consolidates Control and Exacerbates Workplace Bias. Proceedings of the ACM on Human‑Computer Interaction (CSCW). (PDF)
  • M. Houtti, I. Johnson, J. Cepeda, S. Khandelwal, A. Bhatnagar, L. Terveen. 2022. “We Need a Woman in Music”: Exploring Wikipedia’s Values on Article Priority. Proceedings of the ACM on Human‑Computer Interaction (CSCW). (PDF)
  • C. Zhang*, M. Houtti*, C.E. Smith, R. Kong, L. Terveen. 2022. Working for the Invisible Machines or Pumping Information into an Empty Void? An Exploration of Wikidata Contributors’ Motivations. Proceedings of the ACM on Human‑Computer Interaction (CSCW). (*co‑first authors) (PDF)